
Books (ctd)

The Changing Curriculum: Studies in Social Construction (Peter Lang: New York, 1997).

Studying School Subjects: A Guide, with C. Marsh (Falmer Press: London and Washington, D.C., 1996).

Att Stärka Lärarnas Röster: Sex essäer om lärarforskning och lärar-forskarsamarbete (HLS Förlag: Stockholm, 1996).

Making a Difference about Difference with N. Bascia & D. Thiessen (Garabond Press: Toronto, 1996).

Teachers’ Professional Lives, I.F. Goodson and A. Hargreaves (eds) (Falmer Press: London, New York and Philadelphia, 1996).

The Making of Curriculum: Collected Essays, 2nd Edn (Falmer: London, New York and Philadelphia, 1995).

Currículo: Teoria e História, 1st Edn (Editora Vozes: Petrópolis, Brazil, 1995).

Historia del Currículum: La construcción social de las disciplinas escolares (Ediciones Pomares-Corredor: Barcelona, Spain, 1995).

Studying Curriculum: Cases and Methods (Open University Press, Buckingham/Teachers College Press and New York/OISE Press, Toronto, 1994).

Rethinking Vocationalism: Whose work/life is it?, R.P. Coulter and I.F. Goodson (eds) (Our Schools/Our Selves Education Foundation, Toronto, 1993).

Through the Schoolhouse Door: Working Papers, with C. Anstead (Garamond, Toronto) (1993).

School Subjects and Curriculum Change, 3rd Edn. (Falmer, London, New York and Philadelphia, 1987).

Studying Teachers’ Lives, (ed) (Routledge, London and New York) (1992).

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